We are proposing to host a conference for New Zealand Children’s Writers and Illustrators and the wider Children’s Literature community in 2009.
In the mid 90s three hui for children’s writers and illustrators were held, the first at Joy Cowley’s home in the Marlborough Sounds and then in Wellington. Up to 50 writers and illustrators attended each one. From the first, organized by Joy, the late Gaelyn Gordon and Tessa Duder, came the idea of the Storylines Festival of New Zealand Children’s Writers and Illustrators, now in its 15th year. Storylines ran Writers’ Hui in Auckland in 2006 and 2008, and will be pleased to support the proposed 2009 conference in Wellington, along with others in the children’s literature community including Kate de Goldi and John McIntyre (The Children’s Book Shop).
What We Propose for September 2009
A two day residential conference, consisting of Keynote speakers, panel discussions, workshops and an informal chance to meet others in the industry.
What would YOU like us to offer?
This is your chance to tell us what topics you would like to see covered!
Ideas so far... tax, contracts, master-classes, promotion....
What would you like to do or learn? Let US know!
Are you available to present a workshop, be on a panel, (drink wine)?
Would you like to sponsor something, have a stand or promotion, do business, at the conference? Tell us if you would like to meet other Authors, Illustrators, Editors, Publishers, Agents, Booksellers, in the Children’s Literature community.
With YOUR ideas, and proposed attendance, at the conference, by the end of July 2008.
Or write to us at:
Wellington Children’s Book Association
P.O.BOX 1242, Wellington
This would help us to plan, and apply for funding, to give you the conference YOU deserve.
We look forward to hearing from you,
The committee of the WCBA.