Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Coming up …

The Wellington Children’s Book Association Inc. 

Annual General Meeting

When: 7pm,  Tuesday 24 July 2012
Where: Turnbull House, 
Bowen Street, Wellington

Followed by panel discussion:  Publishing – I’ll do it myself!

Johanna Knox (The Flytrap Snaps), Gay Hay (Fantail’s Quilt), and Kevin Boon (Kezia) talk about their successful self-publishing journeys: how they did it, what worked for them, and what they learned along the way.
Chaired by author and WCBA convenor Maureen Crisp.

Entry: Free

Wine and nibbles provided.

All welcome - members, non-members, and prospective members!

Congratulations ...

This is a belated congratulations to the shortlisted writers and illustrators in the LIANZA Children's Book Awards announced last month! 

The WCBA is very well represented by members including: Jack Lasenby (also our patron), David Hair, Fleur Beale, Barbara Else, Johanna Knox & Sabrina Malcolm, Gay Hay & Margaret Tolland, Moira Wairama, and Juliette MacIver.

The full list of finalists - and more info -  is here at the LIANZA site.  The winners will be announced on Monday August 6 at Caffe L'affare.