Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The NPS Residency goes to....

The Wellington Children’s Book Association is pleased to announce Helen Vivienne Fletcher has been awarded the New Pacific Studio residency for 2012.

Helen belongs to the WCBA and has been very active in promoting children’s literature. She was a member of our Spinning Gold committee and has been a member of the Wellington Storylines committee for a few years now.

Helen will receive a $300 stipend and the seven days residency at New Pacific Studio. At the time this residency is being offered -two Danish artists -a writer and a children’s book illustrator will also be in residence.

New Pacific Studio, a beautifully restored 1912 villa, is located on a 5-acre property on State Highway 2. It is 1 km north of the Mt Bruce National Wildlife Centre, 5 minutes south of Eketahuna and 20 minutes north of Masterton. This is the perfect location to forget everything else you HAVE to do and get on with the work in progress with no interruptions. 

New Pacific Studio is available as a retreat for writers and artists: contact the Studio to apply for a residency.

Maureen Crisp
Wellington Children’s Book Association